How Do You Sell Your House Fast?

Avoid the headache of having to sell your home the “traditional way” and work with DREAM to sell your home the hassle-free way!

Within hours we will make you a fair “as-is” all cash offer for your property. No need for any type of repairs or rehab. We will even help you clean up! Leave any unwanted items in the property and we will take care of the rest.

With no commissions, no fees, and no hassle, we can allow you to sell your home in just days on your terms.

Contact DREAM today to get your cash offer.

Sell Your House The
Hassle-Free Way

Work with DREAM to get yourself the fast and free cash offer you’ve been looking for. We will get you an as-is offer for you property in any condition within hours. Best part, no commissions , no repairs, no fees, no obligation!

    Join Hundreds of Happy Home owners and sell with DREAM

    If you are currently looking to move or are dealing with foreclosure, mortgage, liens, or any other real estate troubles, DREAM just might be what your looking for. 

    Whatever your real estate troubles may be, we do not care. If you are looking to sell, we are looking to buy. We are here to help property owners of all situations, whether your behind on payments, or you simply just want to sell. Whether your property is in need of minor repairs or is in complete uninhabitable condition, we are still prepared to make you an as-is cash offer. 

    If you are looking to sell, none of these circumstance are an issue with us. Any real estate trouble you have, we have a solution. 

    Our goal when purchasing your property is to make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible. We will buy your home “AS-IS” for all cash on your terms. Leave any unwanted items in the property and let us handle the clean up. Allow us to view your property just once and receive your cash in hand within days if not hours.

    For your real estate dreams, contact DREAM today and get your offer!

    Different METHODS To
    Selling with agents
    The most common and well known way to sell real estate is on market with a real estate agent. This method works well for lots of home owners but is often reserved for those who have the time to wait for a buyer, money to handle repairs, and/or don't mind paying commissions. Typically individuals who would prefer to sell quick or avoid the difficulties of selling with an agent tend to go the for sale by owner or fast-cash method.
    For Sale By Owner
    The for sale by owner method is very similar to selling with an agent with the key difference being, you the homeowner would take on the duties of the agent and in return would be able to eliminate the need for an agent. By eliminating the need for an agent, you would be able to save money when it comes time to pay hefty real estate commissions. This method can be very beneficial to homeowners who want to avoid commissions, however time and money can still be an issue.
    Fast CasH/OFF-MARKET
    The Fast cash/off-market method consists of simply selling to investors such as us here at DREAM. This method can be the ideal way of selling for those individuals who want to avoid many of the obstacles that come with selling on market. By using this method and selling to DREAM, there would be no cost for repairs, no hefty commission fees, and best of all, all offers would be cash. With cash offers, selling would be quick and easy.

    Selling on market whether it be with an agent or for sale by owner is the most common way to sell your home but for some individuals selling with DREAM can be the ideal way to sell your real estate. See the differences between selling on Market and selling with DREAM and find out what works best for you.

    Commissions / Fees
    Who Pays Closing Costs?
    Who Pays For Repairs?
    Closing Date
    Number of Showings
    Financing Contingency
    Appraisal Needed
    SElling ON MARKET
    6% is paid by you
    Negotiated During Inspection Period​
    Negotiated During Inspection Period
    30-60 days after accepted offer
    It Depends
    Yes, sale is often subject to appraisal
    We pay all costs
    We'll handle repairs
    The Day of your choice
    1 (Just Us)
    Nope, offer is all cash

    Contact us so that we can get you an as-is cash offer!